Join our Community

If you have a pituitary condition arising in pregnancy or postpartum, this is for you.

Created for you to connect to a community of women who understand and experience the same as you.

This community is your voice. We work to raise awareness of maternal pituitary conditions, to ensure people do not suffer alone, campaign for swifter diagnosis and better care.

We also welcome mothers with other pituitary conditions who would like to join our community.

Our Community

What’s Included?

  • An online community of people with a shared experience - bringing you together with women from all over the world who are living with pituitary conditions like yours.

    “Thank you for this community.”

    “It’s been really isolating. It’s great to finally meet and connect with others.”

  • Access to our past and future Pitstop Talks (live & online) including leading endocrinologists, birth trauma resolution specialists, nutritionists and wellbeing practitioners.*

  • Online socials and events so you can meet and get to know one another (these will initially be online, but we’d love to bring everyone together in person one day soon!).

    “Thank you so much for the social. It was lovely to see everyone’s faces.”

    “It was wonderful to put voices & faces to names. This was a great idea!”

    *Please note, we are unable to give individual medical advice. Please ensure you speak to your doctor before participating. All members use the community at their own risk*

If you would like to join our community please send an email request using the button above.

Please answer the questions in the email template and share little about yourself.

We will review your email and may request further information from you before making a decision.

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Our community is for those with maternal pituitary conditions to find support and understanding. We want everyone to feel safe to share about themselves, so we won’t be inviting anyone who isn’t a patient.

  • We’re using a platform called Ugenie for our community. This means our community stays safe and our data isn’t being monitored to develop algorithms like it is on Facebook and Instagram. On Ugenie we can focus on supporting each other and coming together, whilst protecting everything we share.

  • Your constructive feedback is really important to us. We’re new to this so please do share your thoughts and comments. Please contact us at

  • Our community is for patients only at present. Our aim for the near future is to offer an additional community for partners and family to connect and find support. We understand that living with a maternal pituitary condition affects all the family, especially where there has been critical illness and trauma.

“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.”

— William James, Philospher